City of West Sacramento
Home MenuSycamore Trail Extension Phase II
Project Updates:
Figure 1: Completion of the compass landing on the southside of the bridge has been completed. Streetlighting, landscaping, and concrete color staining will illuminate and capture the attention of pedestrians and bicyclists along he bridge and trail.
Figure 2: Aerial image of the compass landing on the southside of the bridge adjacent to Westmore Oaks Elementary School. The compass will be surrounded by landscaping, illuminated at night, and
Figure 3: Aerial image looking west towards the pedestrian bridge over US-50.
Figure 4: Image of a newly constructed curb ramp at the intersection of Evergreen Ave and Sycamore Ave.
Status: Construction
Environmental Analysis - Completed
Design - Project plans and specifications have been finalized and approved.
Bidding – Project was advertised on October 3, 2022
Award – City Council has awarded a construction contract to Bridgeway Civil Constructors at the February 2, 2023 Special City Council Meeting
Construction – Spring 2023 to Tentatively Fall 2024
Phase II: Evergreen Avenue just south of Joey Lopes Park to Westmore Oaks Elementary School, just to the south of State Highway Route 50 (US-50).
Phase III: Westmore Oaks Elementary School to the intersection of Park Boulevard and Stone Boulevard.
In 2013, the City adopted the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Master Plan (BPTMP) with the vision of providing one of the nation's top bicycle and pedestrian friendly communities. The BPTMP promoted bicycling and walking as practical modes of transportation within the community by laying out an updated vision of connected bikeways, walkways, and trails that link together the neighborhoods, places of employment, shopping centers, parks, and schools. Included in the 2013 Master Plan was the Sycamore Trail, a five-phase project that extends south from Sacramento Avenue near Yolo Street across the State Highway Route (SHR) 50 and the Barge Canal to the Lake Washington Boulevard and Jefferson Boulevard intersection.
When the City updated the BPTMP on July 18, 2018, the City renewed its commitment to the Sycamore Trail and listed it as one of its signature projects. On August 22, 2018, the City Council adopted the final Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Sycamore Trail Phase II and III Project.
The City completed Phase I of the Sycamore Trail in April of 2019. The first phase provides a multi-use paved trail and trail amenities that connect Westfield Park to Joey Lopes Park.
Description or Scope:
Included in this Master Plan is the Sycamore Trail project which will provide a dedicated bicycle and pedestrian trail from approximately the intersection of Sacramento Avenue and Yolo Street extending south to the Barge Canal and ultimately to the Lake Washington Boulevard and Jefferson Boulevard intersection. The Sycamore Trail will provide a safe non-vehicular pedestrian and bicycle alternative connecting central City neighborhoods with schools, parks, businesses and commercial centers.
The Project purpose is to increase the number of people in the City who bicycle or walk to work, to school, for errands, or for recreation. The Sycamore Trail is currently divided into multiple phases. Phase II of the project will connect Evergreen Avenue just south of Joey Lopes Park with Westmore Oaks Elementary School to the south of US-50. A new pedestrian overcrossing will be constructed as part of Phase II. Phases III-V will extend the Sycamore Trail further south, down across the Deep Water Ship Channel to Southport. Phase III will further extend the trail from Westmore Oaks Elementary School to the intersection of Park Boulevard and Stone Boulevard. The trail generally follows the Lower Northwest Interceptor utility corridor.
Project Benefits:
- Continued development of multi-modal alternatives for the residents of the City.
- Improved access for the community to crossUS-50.
- Increased opportunity for cardiovascular exercise amenities for people of all ages, improving their health and well-being, and reducing health care costs.
- Reduction in air pollution and the consumption of nonrenewable resources by replacing automobile trips with bicycling and walking trips.
- Reduced transportation costs.
- Reduced traffic – bicycling and walking are viable alternatives for many short trips, including trips to work or the store.
- Enjoyment for the whole family – all ages and experience levels can participate.
- First Community Open House 01/2018
- Second Community Open House 05/2019
- Right-of-Way Certification 05/2022
- Complete Phase II 05/2022
- Advertise to Bid 10/03/2022
- Bid Opening 10/17/2022
- Award Construction Contract 2/02/2023
- Construction Start Spring 2023
- Construction End Tentatively Fall 2024
Phase II: $16.9 million
Phase III: $2.7 million
Project Sources of Funding
Federal & State Grants |
Grant Totals |
Congestion Mitigation Air Quality - CMAQ (Federal Grant) |
$1,301,010.00 |
Urban Greening (State Grant) |
$5,178,684.00 |
Active Transportation Program - ATP (State Grant) |
$3,500,000.00 |
Total Federal & State Grants |
$9,979,694.00 |
City Funds |
Fund Totals |
Fund 106 Measure G |
$1,100,000.00 |
Fund 205 Traffic Impact Fees |
$459,114.00 |
Park Impact Fees |
$5,363,491.28 |
Total City Funds |
$ 6,922,605.28 |
$16,902,299.28 |
Dewberry Engineers, Inc. - Design and engineering support
Consor North America, Inc. – Construction management
Bridgeway Civil Constructors – Contractor
Community Engagement:
On Thursday, January 18, 2018, The City of West Sacramento held a community open house for the Sycamore Trail Phase II and III Extension Project, soliciting input from the community on various aspects of the project. Fifty-four community members attended the open house at the West Sacramento City Hall.
In late 2018, the City engaged the following three City Commissions to solicit additional feedback and recommendations on details of the project.
- Arts, Culture & Historic Preservation Commission
- Parks, Recreation & Inter-generational Commission
- Transportation, Mobility & Infrastructure Commission
On Tuesday, May 7th, 2019, the City of West Sacramento held the second community open house for the Sycamore Trail Phase II Extension Project. Twenty-two community members attended the open house
The second community open house provided a project update as well as gave attendees the opportunity to review the Phase II design and aesthetics. Community members were provided a station feedback form as well as a general comment card to fill out.
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Last Edited: August 30, 2023