Neighborhood Pavement Preservation & Arterial Streets Pavement Repair Project

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Status: Construction

Project Update



Bridgeway Lakes and Bridgeway Island Neighborhoods, Southport Parkway, Marshall Rd, Gladys Ave, Allan Dr, French Ave, Partridge Ave, Hillary Ave, Tapley Rd, Antioch Ave, Seymore Ave, and Jefferson Blvd between Davis Rd and Southport Parkway 



(916) 617 4667


Police Records Division (916) 617 –4910 



The City West Sacramento first established a Pavement Management System (PMS) in 1991 to help identify, track, and prioritize roadway maintenance, rehabilitation and pavement preservation treatments. Additional updates to the PMS were completed in 1999, 2005, 2013 and 2018. An update to the PMS as a project was included in the 2023/2024 CIP Budget that was approved by Council on June 28, 2023.  

Implementation of the PMS has guided the City in its prioritization of road maintenance, rehabilitation and preservation, and has highlighted the need for additional funding to properly maintain the City's roadways. Over the past few years, the City has been receiving numerous pothole complaints and experiencing pavement failures on a variety of its streets. As in most localities, the City has three basic needs relative to pavement management: maintenance, preservation, and rehabilitation.  

In 2019, City staff developed and the City Council approved a Pavement Management Plan based on policy guidance received from the Transportation Mobility, & Infrastructure Commission and City Council. The plan consists of the following two programs that are prioritized and adjusted based on funding levels authorized by the City Council through the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). 

Neighborhood Preservation Program 


This program is focused on preserving and maintaining local roadways in a given area each year, but still has the flexibility to triage needs along major arterials. City staff has broken the City into 10 areas approximately based on land use, major barriers (freeways, railroads, arterials, etc.), and proximity. These categories were chosen because they lead to more cost-effective projects. For example, a pavement treatment used in rural areas would not be advisable for suburban residential application, while a collection of roadways in close proximity to each other reduces costs during construction. It is important to note that because the needs in each region far exceed the available funds, this program will not pave every road in an area or even fully rehabilitate roadway segments, but rather aims to apply various seal coats.  

Community Investment Program


This program is focused on rehabilitating the City's major arterials and collectors. Roadways selected for this program vary depending on the funding level approved by City Council. The general methodology for selection of roadway segments is their proximity to economic drivers, grant eligibility, and traffic volumes.  An example of this program is the recently completed project along West Capitol Ave and Jefferson Blvd between West Capitol Ave and Park Blvd. Another example is the Port Area Infrastructure and Complete Streets Project, which is currently in the design stage. The Port Area Infrastructure and Complete Streets Project goal is to completely rehabilitate the roadway’s pavement while adding Complete Streets elements to the facility. A further example is the Arterial Streets Pavement Repair Program.  The Arterial Streets Pavement Repair Program aims to provide major “dig-out” repairs to limited areas of arterial roadways that are experiencing major pavement failure. It is essentially a “major band-aid” until the arterial can receive full rehabilitation as was done on West Capitol Ave and as will be done as part of the Port Area Infrastructure and Complete Streets Project.   Southport Parkway between Lake Washington Blvd and Ramco Street and Jefferson Blvd between Davis Road and Southport Parkway are upcoming examples of where this type of funding will be used to provide a mid-term solution until the roadways can receive overall rehabilitation.  

Description or Scope: 

The Neighborhood Pavement Preservation Program’s focus is to preserve and maintain local residential roadways within the City of West Sacramento. The proposed work includes but is not limited to removal of existing traffic stripes, markings and markers, and the installation of Type II Slurry Seal, Cape Seal, Type II Micro surface, Chip Seal, thermoplastic pavement striping markings and markers, and signs on existing and new posts. 

In an effort to address the severely deteriorated pavement condition on specific arterial streets in the City, the Arterial Street Pavement Repair Project will be combined with the Neighborhood Pavement Preservation Program. The proposed work of the Arterial Street Pavement Repair Project includes but is not limited to removal of existing traffic stripes markings and markers, dig-out repairs of pavement and placement of hot mix asphalt (HMA), Type II Micro Surface, re-striping, and pavement markings and markers. The Project's location includes primarily Southport Pkwy and Jefferson Blvd. 

Project Benefits:

The Neighborhood Pavement Preservation will preserve and maintain residential roads to prolong the road service life. The Arterial Street Repairs will provide a midterm solution to existing deteriorating arterials until the arterial streets can receive full rehabilitation. 


Bid Advertisement: 5/24/2023 

Bid Opening: 6/13/2023 

City Council Construction Contract Award: 7/19/2023 

Begin Construction: Mid August 2023 

Complete Construction: Early 2024 


Construction Cost: $3,652,000.00 


Project funding is from Measure E and Measure K 


Construction Management Consultant: 4LEAF, Inc.  

Construction Contractor: VSS International, Inc. 

 Project Location Map

Image 1: Project Location Map

Last Edited 12/11/2023